Moms Take A Stand

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Event NameLocationAmount
Teagan’s Lemonade StandLewes, DE$1,301
Warrior LemonadeWhitesburg, TN$50
Warrior Mason’s LemonadeClayton, NC$487
Elora and Elsie's Lemonade StandFlatwoods, KY$2,071
Hadley’s Lemonade StandMountain View, CA$510
Levi’s Lemonade and SnacksCampton, KY$277
Reese’s Lemonade Stand Colfax , WI$80
Fight Like Fin Lemonade StandNeenah, WI$2,250
Leanor's Lemonade 2024Indianapolis, IN$523
Eli's lemonade stand Lexington, KY$155
Lemonade for Leukemia Bluffdale , UT$130
Live Love Lovas LemonadeWest Creek , NJ$100
NWA Takes A StandBella Vista, AR$1,542
Laneybug's Lemonade StandCherry hill, NJ$2,345
Snow’s Lemonade StandVentnor, NJ$207
#HealingHadleyGraceHamilton, VA$660
Crush Childhood Cancer with MayaPark Rapids, MN$1,119
Will Strikes Back Lemonade StandRolling Meadows, IL$1,806
Lincoln’s 3rd Annual Lemonade StandElmhurst, IL$551
Arya’s Lemonade Stand Tucson, AZ$3,534
