Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Wyatt Schmaltz

  • Neuroblastoma

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In many ways, Wyatt is very similar to other boys his age. He loves to get dirty and play in the mud, and he LOVES superheroes- especially Spiderman and Batman. Wyatt is very emotional and loving, and his laugh is contagious. According to Wyatt’s mom, “Wyatt’s smile can brighten the day of any stranger.” 
In spring 2014, Wyatt began complaining that his right leg was hurting, and he refused to put any pressure on it. His mom assumed it was growing pains or soreness from roughhousing but took him to the pediatrician to be sure. The pediatrician scheduled a follow-up for the next week. At the next appointment, his pain seemed to be a little better, but a third visit a week later showed that Wyatt’s pain was back. An MRI several days later led his doctor to order blood work, as well as a sedated MRI with contrast. Before Wyatt was even out of recovery, his doctor told his worried parents that the family should go immediately to Riley Children’s Hospital, as she thought Wyatt had leukemia. However, after many scans and tests later in the ER, Wyatt was officially diagnosed with neuroblastoma (stage 4, high risk, metastatic). 
To date, Wyatt has undergone multiple rounds of chemo, a stem cell treatment, proton radiation treatments and antibody therapies. He is still in treatment now. 
Throughout treatment, Wyatt has kept a smile on his face and always seems to be there for his parents in the toughest moments. Wyatt’s parents hope that Wyatt will grow up to have a long and healthy life, and advise other parents to lean on friends, family, and other organizations throughout the childhood cancer journey. His mom writes, “Even in the toughest moments he would look at me and smile or just say "I lub you mommy" and everything would seem ok. 
Quote: “My mommy will kick my baby cancer out of my body” –Wyatt 
Information provided by April Schmaltz, Wyatt’s mom
Last Updated: July 2015

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