- Neuroblastoma
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Learn More »Even before reaching his first birthday, Walker had been diagnosed with cancer, endured multiple chemotherapy cycles, healed from a huge tumor removal surgery and beat cancer. His mom says, “While I wouldn’t wish this journey upon any parent, who else can say that?...Walker has had a HUGE impact on our lives and I couldn't imagine life without him. He is my hero.”
As a newborn, Walker had leg tremors. Pediatricians said that it was nothing to worry about and that he most likely had an underdeveloped neurological system. If the tremors persisted at three months then they would look further into it. Right around the three-month mark, Walker's mellow, go-with-the-flow attitude changed. He developed a fever every evening, though with some medicine and rest it would disappear until the next evening. His parents took him to the pediatrician. She was worried about the odd fever pattern and leg tremors so she sent them to a local children’s hospital in Louisville, KY.
In the ER, a CT scan turned up nothing, and then Walker had a lumbar puncture (which was protocol for babies his age), but the doctors could not obtain spinal fluid. Doctors wanted him to stay a few days to be treated for meningitis, but in their gut, his parents knew that wasn’t what he had. Finally, they agreed to stay one night, and the doctors noticed Walker’s fussiness and did an abdominal ultrasound. The next morning, Walker’s parents found out that he had neuroblastoma. Walker wouldn't leave the hospital for another two weeks.
At the tender age of 3 months, Walker was treated with six of eight scheduled chemotherapy cycles. Then, on Valentine’s Day (and his older brother’s third birthday), he had surgery and his tumor was successfully removed. He will have follow-up scans every 3 months for the next year, and then every six months, and then yearly.
His mom says about the experience of having a baby with cancer, “It stinks. Then you find a new normal. What food your child will eat after a rough chemo cycle. Which nurse always has an extra candy bar in their bag and who is always ready with a funny story from their weekend (or week for our weekend nurses!) You will become close friends with other families in situations similar to yours. It doesn't get easier, but you find a way.”
After a tough first year, Walker is NED and just celebrated his first birthday! He is a happy toddler who likes to explore, spend time with mom and dad and do absolutely everything (or at least try to) that his big brother Braxden does. He also likes to spend time outside with neighbors, family, friends and Hank the dog. He is very attached to mom and dad but loves to talk to others and make funny noises and faces at them! Despite all he has been through, you can always find a smile on this happy boy's face.
Walker is still learning to talk but the nurses could hear him squawking (that's the best word for his shrill shriek) and gibbering all over the oncology floor.
Sibling Quote: Older brother Braxden seeing his little brother Walker stand up for the first time, "Mom, look! Walker's all better! Let's go walk the trail."
Information provided by Kelly Brooks, Walker’s mother
May 2014
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