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Serena Wade

  • Ewing Sarcoma

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Serena was a typical 12 year old...she loved playing soccer, going to dances, hanging with friends and doing volunteer work close to home.  Everything seemed to be fine until she came to me with a pain in her lower back area.  There wasn't any bruising, so we weren't too worried about it.  Then the pain seemed to "move" to the front area and since I still didn't see anything, I ended up taking her to her doctor.  He ordered an x-ray and saw nothing, so he said it was just a pulled muscle.  Within two weeks of that visit, Serena could barely walk, so I ended up taking her to the hospital. They did blood work and x-rays, sonograms and then an MRI...we were told she would have to go to Children's Hospital in Washington, DC.  I had been up for over 24 hours when the doctors there told me it was either an infectious illness or cancer.  I couldn't believe it.  They ended up doing more tests, scans and biopsies on her to find out what was going on with her.  After all the tests, we went back to the hospital and got the news that my daughter had cancer (Ewing’s sarcoma).  My heart broke and she was scared to death.  She started treatment and the same day they put her port in.  She was a fighter the whole time.  She became an inspiration to everyone she ended up meeting.  Serena never asked why, she only had one "break-down" during the whole thing.  I have to give it to her, she is stronger than I could ever be.  Serena ended up having to do 14 rounds of chemotherapy and 5 weeks of radiation.  Serena ended up making new friends during her treatment and discovered a wonderful camp just for children with cancer.  Serena discovered what she wants to be when she grows up during her art therapist.  The young ladies in the art therapy room made such a difference in her life that she has decided that she wants to help kids just like her.  Serena has also decided that when she is 18 she is going to volunteer at the camp that she goes to as well.  Serena is now in 9th grade and knows just how important friendship is...Serena ended up losing friends while she was sick.  Serena missed a whole year of interaction with other kids her age because of cancer.  Serena has learned to become a better friend because of cancer.  She doesn't try to take anyone or anything for granted.  She knows that every day is a gift and she is very aware of what could be if her cancer should happen to come back.  On November 5th, Serena will be celebrating one year remission from this "monster."  Me, I am so thankful that I still have my girl and my friend.


Written by Lynn Espinoza, Serena’s Mom
October 2011

Serena Wade

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