Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Mario Carpino

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On December 6, 2007, Mario Carpino’s family took him to the ER because Mario wasn’t using his arm. Thinking he might have sprained it, the doctors did a CAT scan and tests. However, the results revealed a brain tumor. When first told that Mario had a brain tumor, his mother remembers asking the doctors if they had the right room- she was completely shocked. Mario was admitted right away, and his MRI the next day showed four inoperable brain tumors. Mario’s parents were told that Mario had a huge mass in his brain stem, and only three months to live.

Mario’s parents pleaded the doctors to do a biopsy, after which Mario began a high-level chemotherapy. After three months of chemo, the tumors had started to slowly shrink. During chemo, Mario was on such a high dose that his family couldn’t even hug or lift him due to nerve pain. Mario also ended up with two hip infections, and couldn’t walk for two weeks. After a year and a half of chemo, Mario’s tumors were stable. After 1 year of being chemo-free, the tumors started to grow again. The doctors prescribed another year of chemo, after which the tumors stabilized again. However, two weeks after stopping treatment, Mario began to have seizures.

Today, Mario is three years chemo free. Throughout his grueling treatment, Mario never complained; he remained strong. Mario goes in for scans every four months to make sure his tumors are still stable. He is now living with vision loss, learning disabilities, left-sided weakness, and growth delays as a result of his treatments, but he is still strong. Mario is smiling every day, and is always trying to make others smile. According to his mom, “we are truly grateful and blessed that his tumors remain stable. He is a true blessing.” 

Mario's Favorite Quotes
"Anything Is Possible If You Believe "    
" Never Give Up Hope "

Information provided by Anna Carpino, Mario’s Mother
Last Updated: August 2015 

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