Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Kasey McAdams

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Having faith has been important for the McAdams family in the challenging months since two-and-a-half-year-old Kasey was diagnosed with Ependymoma.
Kasey likes singing, playing outside, dressing up as a princess, going on walks and coloring, to name just a few of her hobbies. When she began getting upset stomachs and vomiting there was no obvious reason. Her doctor thought it was an upper GI problem and prescribed medication. Gradually her symptoms got worse until one day she passed out. Finally, a few months after the initial symptoms, a CAT scan at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital showed a tumor.
She was diagnosed with an Ependymoma tumor and it was removed with surgery. As part of her treatment she has had to have a drain tube from her head and a PICC line in her arm. She has three blood clots in her arm and due to that has to take two shots a day at home. She is now undergoing radiation treatment.
Her mom is keeping her faith and grateful for the small miracles along the way - that her surgeon only expected to be able to take out 30% of the tumor and was able to get 98%, and that Kasey was expected to have at least seven blood transfusions and hasn’t needed any.
Kasey’s mom wrote, “She is just simply the strongest baby girl I have ever seen.”
Quote from Hero: “I’m strong!”
Information submitted by Annmarie McAdams, Kasey’s mom
May 2013


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