Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Kaden Bell

  • Rhabdomyosarcoma

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Kaden is a very smart, kind-hearted 6-year-old who loves baseball, music and reading. Most of all he enjoys just being a normal kid, and he has the chance to do that now that his treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma is over and he is in remission. Kaden and his family are focused on living each day to the fullest, laughing together and enjoying the hilariously funny things Kaden says.

Kaden was diagnosed when he was 4 years old with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the connective tissue and skeletal muscles. It is a rare and aggressive form of pediatric cancer. His parents noticed a lesion on his cheek that kept changing so they brought him to a dermatologist, who told them it was nothing and to watch it for a year. Kaden’s parents got it biopsied anyway and then found out how serious it was.

Kaden endured 6 months of chemotherapy, surgeries and “lots of medical procedures no child should have to go through,” Kaden’s mom says. “However, we are so grateful that these treatments exist because they saved his life.”

During Kaden’s treatment, his family tried to find humor in difficult situations, like making the dog take a doggie mouthwash when Kaden had to take his yucky mouthwash, or giving the dog medicine when Kaden had to take medicine. It made him laugh at a time when he – and his parents - needed to laugh.

This experience and the time Kaden's family has had to heal since his treatment has allowed them to have gained an important perspective... They don't want cancer to define "who" Kaden is, but they hope to treat this trial he has endured as an opportunity to strengthen their family, to strengthen and refine Kaden as a person who fought this disease as an incredibly brave little boy, and to move forward with their lives as they continue to monitor him closely with scans for the next few years. Kaden IS a hero. His family prays that cancer never returns, and they allow themselves to dream of a long, happy life for Kaden. They try to savor every moment that Kaden is healthy and becoming stronger, and be thankful for each and every day they have the chance to see him thrive, smile, learn, laugh, and grow, as he evolves into the exceptional and extraordinary individual that he is. 
Kaden’s parents hope he will find reasons to laugh every day, and that he will live his life with a feeling of gratitude for all his blessings. Kaden’s dreams are to become a pediatrician and a swim coach for children, or a superhero. Knowing him, anything is possible!

Kaden will turn 7-years-old on August 31, 2015!

Hero Quote: “Just smile and hug your mommy and daddy." -Kaden, at 5 years old.

Information provided by Holly Lancaster, Kaden’s mom
Updated: May 2015

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