Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Johnathon Cahill

  • Hepatoblastoma

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Shortly before his second birthday, little Johnathon Cahill was diagnosed with Stage 4 liver cancer – a rare form called hepatoblastoma. Tests revealed that the tumor covered more than three quarters of Johnathon’s tiny liver and that there were also two small spots on his lung. Johnathon immediately started chemotherapy and proved his strength, bravery and ability to constantly smile throughout three challenging rounds of treatment. He was in the hospital for several weeks with high fevers, a severe lung infection, was unable to walk due to the side effects of the therapy – yet he always was cheerful and bringing joy to others.  Johnathon had a liver resection shortly after his third round of chemotherapy that was deemed a success! His treatment plan includes three more rounds of chemotherapy, which he will complete shortly. 

Johnathon’s family looks forward to the day that their caring little boy will be cancer free and can get back to doing his favorite things like dancing, playing with cars and superheroes and being the center of attention. His community has been supportive of their journey as well as local school children recently raised $200 in Johnathon’s name for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. Johnathon’s family prays for the day when better treatments and cures for childhood cancer will be found and stresses the importance of pediatric cancer research.

Quote from hero/sibling:

“Smile!” – Johnathon Cahill

“It’s in my heart that I know my brother will be ok – he has shown so many people the road to hope.” Sarah Cahill (15 yo), Johnathon’s sister

Information provided by Amy Cahill, Johnathon’s Mom
January 2013


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