Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Eva Burke

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Eva is a headstrong, fun-loving, 4-year-old princess. When she’s not singing along to Frozen, she’s watching football with her dad or on the soccer field with her friends. She loves to cook and bake, but not as much as she loves to play with her older brother, Eli. He thinks his little sister is, “super-duper brave, courageous and fearless,” as she fights stage III Wilms tumor.

On February 27, 2020, Eva awoke in the middle of the night from severe pain in her stomach. Her family rushed her to the emergency room, where doctors discovered a large tumor on her right kidney. It required immediate surgery that left her hospitalized for a week, but by the end of that period, they deemed her cancer a more favorable case.

She underwent seven days of radiation therapy at University of Washington, Seattle Children’s Hospital. She is currently still in treatment, with a seven-month chemotherapy protocol. Her mom, Jennifer, is hopeful that this will lead to a full recovery for her daughter so Eva can get back to being the happy child they all know and love.

Although Eva is certainly one of the strongest little girls her family has ever known, her battle hasn’t been easy. Her family’s strategy for dealing with an uncertain future is by living life one day at a time. They look to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation with hope for the discovery of more cures for all types of cancer, so they can feel secure in any circumstance.

Hero Quote: “It’ll all be okay, I’m strong.” – Eva

Information provided by Jennifer Burke, Eva’s mom
Updated June 2020

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