- Rhabdomyosarcoma

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Learn More »Ellie was a perfectly healthy, tanned and vibrant little girl. Not a symptom, but a dull leg ache for a few months, which was dismissed as "growing pains." What was dismissed for growing pains was an ugly tumor growing in Ellie's pelvic area.
One night as Ellie's Mother, Amy, powdered Ellie before bedtime, she found a hard lump on her pelvis area, on the evening of July 2, 2008. They rushed Ellie to the ER - later she would be diagnosed with stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma. Ellie started her cancer treatment on July 5, 2008.
She had completed 30 straight days of radiation to her lungs and abdomen by the end of October 2008. Ellie completed a total of 42 rounds of chemotherapy through May 2009.
Ellie was an inspiration and KICKED CANCER into remission in June 2009.
Sadly, less than 3 months later, sweet Ellie was back where she began with tumors in her lungs and the same tumor in her abdomen growing again.
Ellie started a new chemotherapy, as well as many alternative cancer killing diets, but all failed to work. Ellie earned her Angel wings on June 23, 2010. Fly baby fly!
Written by Amy Potvin, Ellie’s Mother
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