Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Dominic Smith

  • Rhabdomyosarcoma

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Dominic Smith is an energetic, smart, engaging toddler who loves playing with his big brother, climbing on things, and singing in the car - his favorite song is Happy Birthday! He calls animals “gentles” because he knows he’s supposed to be gentle when he pets them.

In July 2013, Dominic began experiencing a lot of bloody noses. His parents were worried, especially since the nosebleeds occurred in only one nostril. Doctors diagnosed him with allergies and couldn’t see anything unusual when they looked into Dominic’s nose. Shortly thereafter, the bloody noses stopped. His parents were relieved, but then he began snoring, seemed congested all the time and having trouble breathing through his nose. At the beginning of October his parents realized there was something in their child’s nose.

Dominic underwent surgery to remove the mass, which turned out to be a cancerous tumor called rhabdomyosarcoma.

After 43 weeks of chemotherapy, 5 weeks of radiation and 4 surgeries, Dominic successfully completed treatment on September 24, 2014.  He now has no evidence of disease (NED)!

His mom hopes that Dominic is able to have very little long term consequences. She says, “I hope that we, as his parents are able to support him through this, so that he is stronger and more resilient because of this, and that he is able to thrive in life after cancer… I hope that he is able to realize his dreams and full potential and become the person who he was meant to be.”

Dominic is now a brave and strong 6 year old. He was strong and resilient throughout and continues to show his family how much he can handle. he lives with chronic pain, headaches, fear and anxiety related to his cancer treatment. Despite this, he shows incredible perseverance and works hard to learn and keep up with his peers in scool. He has a brilliant mind and hopes to be a scientist or a pilot one day. Dominic is one of the most thoughtful children I have ever met and is a great big brother to two younger siblings. 

Quote from Dominic's brother Jordan, age 3: "I want doctors to fix Dominic." 

Information provided by Katie Wilson, Dominic’s Mom
Updated: July 2018

Read more about Dominic’s SuperSib Jordon.

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