Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Connor Bowden

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Connor is a sweet one year old who has remained happy through his journey of kicking cancer to the curb. He likes to play with his toys, loves getting into things and is his family’s hero.
At Connor’s 6 month well check-up, he was right on time with all his developmental milestones and learning how to crawl. Two weeks later, Connor suddenly stopped using his left side. The pediatrician sent Connor to the ER. A CT scan revealed a large mass on the right side of his brain. Connor was sent to a different hospital for MRI’s. His parents chose to get a second opinion and ended up in Memphis for surgery. Surgery to remove the tumor lasted for hours. 
Final pathology of the tumor revealed that it was a grade III anaplastic ependymoma.
Post-surgery, Connor began treatment at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, where he had four months of chemotherapy followed by proton bean radiation in the fall of 2015. Connor’s fight is not over—he has continuous scans and continues rehabilitation for left-sided weakness. Connor is a fighter and can now crawl again, pull himself up and is learning to walk.
Connor’s mom dreams of a long successful life for him. Connor has given his family a new meaning to life—he is a hero. Connor has stayed happy and cheerful through his fight, bringing joy to everyone that crosses his path with his smile.  
Information provided by Jennifer Bowden, Connor’s Mom
January 2016

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