- Retinoblastoma
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Learn More »Camden is an energetic, sweet 19 month old who loves to follow his sister around and play whatever she is playing. He is silly and loves snuggling, playing with balls and looking at books.
When Camden was 2 months old, his mother could tell something wasn’t right about his vision. He didn’t make eye contact with her. She asked his pediatrician at his well baby check-up about it and she said it was normal and should get better. By his 4 month check-up Camden’s mom knew in her gut that something wasn’t right. He still didn’t make much eye contact and wasn’t able to follow objects with his eyes. His mom insisted on a referral to a specialist. It took two more weeks for the Friday afternoon appointment with the specialist, who looked into Camden’s eyes and immediately knew what was wrong. He made an appointment for Camden first thing Monday morning with the best doctor he knew for this disease, who was at UCSF. Camden was then officially diagnosed with Bi-Lateral Retinoblastoma (tumors in both eyes) on Tuesday, 12/17/13, at only four and a half months old.
Camden immediately had a broviac catheter put in and started with his first EUA (exam under anesthesia) with laser treatment, followed by systemic chemotherapy. He had 4 rounds of systemic chemotherapy, followed by 3 IAC (Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy, chemo therapy that is given directly to the eye). He has had EUAs every 4 weeks since then, with laser treatment as needed for any new tumors.
With vision in one of his eyes and a small percentage of vision in the other eye, his family hopes that they can beat this retinoblastoma! They hope that Camden will grow into a strong young man, and that this ugly disease does not continue to haunt him for the rest of his life.
Camden is their hero because while going through all of this, he manages to still be a silly little boy who has brought hope to so many people. He doesn't even know how strong he is and how much he inspires others every single day.
Camden’s mom has only recently discovered Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and was ecstatic to find a foundation that is all about childhood cancer! She hopes to witness a cure for cancer in her lifetime so no other family has to be on the long, roller coaster of a journey that is having a child with cancer.
Information provided by January, Camden’s mom
March 2015
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Your donation helps to fund critically-needed research to find better treatments and cures for children with cancer.