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Characterization of Genetic Risk Factors for Adverse Effects of ALL Therapy in Asian Children

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Tomoya Isobe
Grant Type: 
POST Program Grants
Year Awarded: 
Type of Childhood Cancer: 
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Project Description: 


Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer in children. While cure rates of ALL improved progressively, substantial percentage of children still experience relapse and eventually succumb to this disease. Also, ALL therapy is associated with various acute and long-term adverse effects that directly influence treatment outcome and negatively impact patients' quality of time. Continuing research is much needed to understand the risk factors for ALL relapse and toxicities, for designing treatment tailored to each patient with maximal efficacy and minimal side effects.


Project Goal:

This research project will be part of a collaboration between St. Jude and the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia Study Group that focuses on discovering genetic predictors of anti-leukemic drug toxicity. Tomoya Isobe will be studying differences in genetic make-up of Japanese children with ALL and perform data analysis to discover novel variations in genes related to drug metabolism, and understand how they influence adverse effects of these drugs. Through this educational experience, Mr. Isobe will further develop his interest in pediatric cancer research and obtain important skills to pursue a career as a physician scientist.