Expanding Hope: Innovative Therapy at Shands Children's Hospital
In the US, 12,000 children will be diagnosed with cancer in 2010, and over 700 of those children will live in Florida. For families of children with a devastating diagnosis or a cancer that has recurred, the number of options for treatment may be small. But no matter the outlook, every family deserves a chance to fight for the life of their child. SCH offers that hope through an ever-increasing number of early phase clinical trials. Our team is now positioned to expand those offerings within a dedicated Innovative Therapy Program for pediatric oncology patients. Through experimental therapeutics, we will offer families in our region hope in the form of treatment options.
Early phase therapy gives families the comfort of knowing they have explored every option for their sick children. Regional access means that families can receive those options close to their support networks, jobs, and home. It allows today's questions to become tomorrow's answers and brings the hope of never diagnosing another child with cancer closer each day.