Get Involved: Childhood Cancer Families

Family at lemonade stand

Featured Event

Lemonade Days

June 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025
Be part of a community of stands all across the country this June. Every stand represents another chance to fund more breakthroughs that lead to more cures. Together, let’s change the lives of kids with cancer, one cup at a time, all month long!

Learn more

As a family affected by childhood cancer, you know firsthand the importance of raising awareness and funds to help support childhood cancer research.

Use the power of your experience to make a difference in the life of your hero and all kids battling the disease. Explore ideas for lemonade stands, athletic events, and other types of fundraisers. Registration is free, and there is no minimum fundraising requirement.

Planning a large-scale event or need help deciding how to get involved? Let’s work together! Contact us at with questions.

Looking to volunteer? Find out more here

Check out events with recent donations!

Danielle & Margot’s FundraiserOak Brook, IL$326,128
Margot and Kate's Lemonade StandOak Brook, IL$13,125
Elianna's 6th Angelversary Memorial Lemonade StandSeymour, CT$735
Jacob against ATRT Lemonade StandSan Diego, CA$10
15th Annual Hollway Family Run/Walk & 21st Annual Grand StandEdina, MN$2,123
Connor’s Lemonade StandRoyersford, PA$2,695
Alex ScottWynnewood, PA$43,298
Charlie’s ChallengersSACRAMENTO, CA$100
William's Lemonade Stand Santa Monica, CA$4,746
Mighty for MadisonFairport, NY$4,444