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Event NameLocationAmount
DWT 73Charleston, IL$175
Elemonate Cancer w/ ALDI Store 91Dalton, GA$175
Lisa's Lemonade Stand!Wesley Chapel, FL$175
MelroseParkLemonadeStandMelrose Park, IL$175
Nadine LajeuneNaperville, IL$175
Store 48 Lemonade StandNottingham, MD$175
Aldi lemonade stand Michigan city Michigan city, IN$174
Gene's Lemonade StandStreator, IL$170
Store91 Carlisle PaCarlisle, PA$170
Tom's Pie in the FaceHinckley, OH$170
Little Creek Aldi #59Norfolk , VA$166
Isabell's Lemonade StandSilver Spring, MD$165
Jessi/ Olivia Lemonade StandLemont, IL$165
Center Valley Coatesville Store 18 Coatesville, PA$164
WEB ALDI #10Ludington, MI$161
Brook GreenleeNaperville, IL$160
Martel Lemonade StandPlainfield, IL$160
Stacy's Virtual Lemonade StandNAPERVILLE, IL$160
TEAM ALDI:GRE032Ft. Wayne, IN$160
The Adams Family Lemonade StandElgin, IL$160
