The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog

You can't ever say Thank You enough!
by Jenna Caroccia, ALSF Donor Appreciation and Development Coordinator
Lemonade Days is quickly approaching and you’re all ready to host an outstanding event. You’ve chosen the date, ordered the lemonade and publicized your stand all over town. You have a fundraising plan and with that, something amazing will happen - you will raise funds for children fighting cancer and make a positive impact in the world. All of us at ALSF are so thankful for your amazing help!
After the photos are posted and the funds are turned into ALSF, it’s time... Read More
by Jaime Horenstein, ALSF Social Media Specialist
Calling all social media mavens! You can harness the power of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other social platforms to spread the word about your lemonade stand and join the fight against childhood cancer. Social media is such a great way to announce your event, invite your community, raise funds and tell everyone... Read More

Above, the Lemonettes (AKA the Martelli family) at their annual Lemonade Stand
by Jeff Tepper, City Dads Group
About five years ago, Don Martelli’s daughters Kayla and Jordan (now ages 13 and 10) started a summer bucket list, at the advice of his wife Susan. One of the ideas was to hold a lemonade stand and donate the money to charity. Don took to Google for some direction and found out about Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF). The rest, as they say, is history. His kids were touched by the idea that they could raise money for... Read More