By: Trish Adkins
As the year comes to a close, now is a perfect time to help kids with cancer.
This year is almost a wrap! As the holiday season begins, it's a great time to channel that giving spirit and holiday cheer to help kids with cancer.
ALSF has several giving opportunities to help you maximize your impact, while also funding more research, safer treatments, family support services and cures. New this year: the ALSF Gift Catalog which allows purchasers to gift life changing support to researchers looking for cures and families facing childhood cancer. The items listed represent programs that ALSF offers and include SuperSibs, Travel For Care, data science and research support. Starting at $10, the Gift Catalog has something for everyone and includes one of the most important gifts you can give: hope.
Looking for a more traditional way to support ALSF or maybe a gift item to give to someone on your list? We’ve got those, too! Just remember to make your gift by midnight on December 31, 2023, so it can be itemized at tax time.
Here are six smart giving tips for 2023:
1. Double (or triple) your impact with company matching gifts.
Take advantage of your company's annual employee matching! Many companies match employees’ charitable contributions, doubling (sometimes even tripling!) the impact of a gift to ALSF. You can search your employer’s name, here. If your employer is not on this list, ask your human resources representative to see if a company match is possible.
2. Kick-off your 2024 giving by setting up a recurring donation.
Recognize a tax benefit this year and beyond by setting up a monthly, recurring donation. As soon as you submit your first monthly donation, you become a part of One Cup at a Time Club, a group of supporters committed to ending childhood cancer. The consistent support of monthly donations helps ALSF plan for the future and anticipate which projects can be funded in the year ahead. It also helps you, the donor, plan your charitable giving over the year.
3. Shop and gift our partner products
Several companies have joined the fight for childhood cancer cures by offering unique gift items that spread awareness and raise money for ALSF. From pajamas to wrapping paper to jewelry to treats, there is something for everyone. You can shop the full gift catalog, here.
4. Say goodbye to your unwanted vehicle!
Donate your vehicle to ALSF’s Cars that Cure to fund hours of pediatric cancer research. We accept almost anything with an engine – cars, trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles and more. Complete your donation by December 31 to count it as a 2023 charitable donation! Donating your vehicle to help kids with cancer is easy: Call 855-CAR-ALSF (855-227-2573) or complete the online vehicle donation form. Your vehicle will be picked up, which means no added hassle for you.
5. You can donate stocks and cyptocurrency!
For the savvy donor and investor, making a charitable stock or cryptocurrency donation is an efficient way to make a meaningful and sustaining gift to your charity of choice. Learn more about charitable stock donations, here. Donating cryptocurrency is easier than entering a credit card and we have donation instructions available here.
6. Plan a Winter Lemonade Stand!
Whether temperatures outside are chilly or balmy, a lemonade stand is always a hit (if it’s cold, you can turn lemonade into hot chocolate or go virtual!). When you register your lemonade stand, an event page is automatically generated which allows you to gather online donations. Not sure you have the time to host a stand in 2023? Use this time to plan 2024!
Give Now and Help Children Right Now.
Your gift funds critical research to discover more breakthroughs in treatment, expand access to clinical trials across the country, and support families as they face a childhood cancer diagnosis. Every year, 17,000 children are diagnosed with cancer in the United States. You can read more about the heroes fighting this disease and how your donation will help create a future with safer, more effective treatments for all kids with cancer.