The Carpino family has raised nearly $500,000 for ALSF. Pictured above, Anna and Mario Carpino.
By: Trish Adkins
Summer is slowly winding down, which means September is right around the corner! September brings with it Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and The Million Mile, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation's month-long awareness and fundraising event. During The Million Mile, supporters everywhere log the miles they run, walk and ride, while fundraising to support childhood cancer research. September truly is the month when the world goes gold, together!
Some days, it can be hard to get up and get moving (after all the couch is super comfy!). But childhood cancer happens every day. During this global pandemic, children still need access to life-saving treatments, and families find themselves in difficult emotional and economic circumstances. We can make a difference for kids with cancer! If you need a little inspiration, meet these three childhood cancer heroes who inspire us every day to move towards safer cures and treatments for children with cancer:
1. Mario
Mario Carpino and his family are true heroes. Through their 10-plus years of hosting lemonade stands, they've raised nearly $500,000 to help kids with cancer. The family is no stranger to childhood cancer. Mario has battled inoperable brain tumors for 13 years. Recently, one of these tumors showed progression, and Mario had to have brain surgery. His mother Anna also fought brain cancer and sadly passed way in 2021. But still, the family continues to be a true inspiration to all of us.
2. Izzy
Last summer, Izzy spent 164 hours in halo gravity traction and five months in a cast to correct scoliosis and a hunched back caused by spinal cord tumors. This summer, Izzy is nearing 7 years old, and she is showing us that conquering obstacles and overcoming fears is as simple as jumping right in!
3. Sebastian
One-year-old Sebastian is battling neuroblastoma. During the COVID-19 pandemic, his family went from one income to two incomes to ensure that Sebastian could get to treatment and have the care he needed. Through it all, they worked to celebrate each day and the joy Sebastian brings. Treatment made it difficult for Sebastian to eat, so he needed a feeding pump to keep him nourished. This week, Sebastian got to say goodbye to his feeding pump, giving him one less burden during his treatment and recovery.
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is launching a social media campaign inspired by ALSF founder, Alex Scott’s positive outlook in times of uncertainty. We want to know how you are making lemonade out of lemons during this time - whether by learning new skills, getting creative, connecting with family or friends through video chat or doing something else that puts a sweet smile on your faces! Share your special moments with us on social media using the hashtag #MakeAlexsLemonade.