The Childhood Cancer Blog

Feel-Good Friday: Here’s to More Lemonade Stands

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  • Victoria, age 10.
  • Victoria was 4 when she hosted her first lemonade stand.

By: Victoria Spalding

Today, people need inspiration for hope; hope for a safer world, hope for healthier families, hope for a better tomorrow. I hope to help inspire people to take action with giving back and paying forward to the community. 

This is ginormously important now because COVID-19 is impacting a lot of lives, and people are getting sick. There are many ways of giving back to the community, such as making masks, delivering groceries and sending cards. 

My memory of my lemonade stand for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation reminds me that there is hope that people aren't focused on just themselves but thinking of families that need our help. My experience with Alex's Lemonade made me feel proud to serve and support the kids fighting cancer and the research for a cure.

When I hosted my first stand, I was just 4 years old. My mom helped a lot. 

My mom also wrote all about it on her blog Family Scholastic Adventures. You can read it here

Victoria Spalding is 10 years old and in 4th grade. She hosted her first lemonade stand for ALSF when she was just 4 years old. 

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is launching a social media campaign inspired by ALSF founder Alex Scott’s  positive outlook in times of uncertainty. We want to know how you are making lemonade out of lemons during this time - whether by learning new skills, getting creative, connecting with family or friends through video chat or doing something else that puts a sweet smile on your faces!  However you're making lemonade out of this situation, we want to know! Share your special moments with us on social media using the hashtag #MakeAlexsLemonade. 

Everyone can make a difference in the fight for cures for childhood cancer! While we are all home now, we can still work together. Sign up for the Virtual End Childhood Cancer Walk/Run on May 23, and together, we can help families now who need our support!