By: Trish Adkins
One added benefit of more time at home is more time to cook! And while our pantries might not be entirely stocked and some ingredients remain elusive, creativity and cooking go hand-in-hand.
Here are some feel-good food stories from our #MakeAlexsLemonade campaign:
1. Macarons in the Afternoon
When life gives you lemons, make macarons! Nicole Macaron founder Nicole Edelstein fused her love of baking with her love of philanthropy. Nicole hosted a live macaron class to benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) with delicious results.
2. Giving Groceries to Those in Need
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in the United States, ALSF has been working in a unique way to ensure families in the midst of childhood cancer battles can fill their refrigerators and pantries. As of April 24, ALSF has helped 648 families and provided nearly $200,000 in grocery store gift cards.
3. Great Chefs Cooking Great Meals
ALSF Great Chef supporters are here for all of us with their culinary wizardry. Need some new ideas or want to sharpen your skills? Check out the free lessons some Great Chefs are offering:
4. Breakfast for Dinner
Who knows what time it is! Jackie, mom of two in New Jersey, served up her kids’ favorite breakfast for dinner, overnight French toast, to break up mealtime monotony.
5. Because Everyone Needs a Little Comfort
It’s pasta night everywhere! ALSF supporters Kate, Melissa and Stephanie cooked up their favorite pasta dishes using things they had on hand in their pantries and refrigerators.
6. It’s Pie Day, Every Day!
Whether it is pizza pie or apple pie, ALSF staffers are making it pie day, every day!
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is launching a social media campaign inspired by ALSF founder Alex Scott’s positive outlook in times of uncertainty. We want to know how you are making lemonade out of lemons during this time - whether by learning new skills, getting creative, connecting with family or friends through video chat or doing something else that puts a sweet smile on your faces! However you're making lemonade out of this situation, we want to know! Share your special moments with us on social media using the hashtag #MakeAlexsLemonade.
COVID-19 has disrupted everyday life in so many ways. For families in the midst of childhood cancer treatment, navigating a cancer diagnosis is more difficult than ever. You can help ALSF provide critical support to families as they travel for treatment and navigate cancer in a pandemic. Your donation can mean another hotel stay, another weeks’ worth of groceries, another day of peace of mind over finances for these families.
Together, we can help families navigate this uncertain time. Give today and make a meaningful difference for all children fighting this disease. Donate today.