The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog
From hosting drive-by lemonade stands to participating in virtual runs, supporters found creative, safe ways to support ALSF throughout 2020.
This year, ALSF celebrated 20 years since founder Alex Scott's first lemonade stand. Alex, pictured above, started a movement to cure childhood cancer.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, ALSF has provided grocery support to more than 2,000 families going through childhood cancer treatment totaling over $600,000. Julia Malicki, pictured above with her mother Jessica, had to travel from Wisconsin to New York City for treatment at the height of the pandemic.
2020 was a year like no other -- at Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), we celebrated 20 years since our founder Alex Scott’s first stand, while also navigating how to continue our mission and help kids with cancer during a once-in-a-hundred-years pandemic. From sharing stories from our 20 years of history to going virtual everywhere to continuing to fuel research, ALSF forged ahead on its mission of ensuring children with cancer have access to safer treatments and cures. Childhood cancer doesn’t stop for a pandemic and neither does ALSF.
Here are five highlights from another... Read More
Each year my family goes to the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Lemon Ball. We go because we want to support ALSF and my sister Lily had an ependymoma, a type of brain tumor, when she was 14 months old. I look forward to going every year because I like dressing up and seeing all the people who are our friends from Alex’s Lemonade. My sister, my brother and I get Shirley Temples, look at the silent auction and eat some of the appetizers.
Then, we take an... Read More
After his son Liam’s brain tumor diagnosis and treatment, Allen knew he wanted to do something to help other kids facing cancer. Allen turned to his hobby, simulation racing games (Sim racing), and his friends to raise more than $6,500 for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation through a livestream event.
Liam was 7 years old when his parents Allen and Laura started noticing that his eyelids were drooping and fluttering.
“I asked him if he was tired,” recalls Allen.
The fluttering was first suspected to be a rare autoimmune disorder. Blood work did not confirm the diagnosis. After months of not knowing for sure what was wrong with her son, Laura found an autoimmune disorder specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), thousands of miles away from their home in Dallas.
Once at CHOP, the specialist nearly immediately confirmed that Liam did not have... Read More