The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog

Matt Lauer interviewing Alex Scott in 2004 on The Today Show.
by Annie Korp, ALSF Public Relations Specialist
One of the reasons Alex was able to raise $2,000 at her first lemonade stand was because her aunt called their local paper. There was a small write-up in the community news section. People saw it and showed up to support Alex who wanted to give the money to her doctors and her hospital by hosting a lemonade stand.
Getting mentions in your local newspapers and community media is an amazing way to spread the word about your lemonade stand and raise awareness of the need for childhood cancer research! It is one more way your... Read More

There are so many great ways schools can support Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.
by Trish Adkins, ALSF
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation was founded on the belief that kids can help other kids! We’ve always had amazing schools and teachers supporting our mission and raising funds for research. Here are five schools making a difference one cup at a time:
1. How Can One Child Make A Difference: Erpenbeck Elementary School, Florence, KY
At Erpenbeck Elementary School in Florence, KY, the teachers and students have been putting the squeeze on childhood cancer for three... Read More

Maddie spent Valentine’s Day 2017 in surgery to remove a tumor from her spine, marking her third tumor resection in as many years.
by Trish Adkins, ALSF
When you meet 8-year-old Maddie Davis, you might notice the pink highlights in her hair, her adorable dimpled smile and her advanced vocabulary (she reads at the 9th-grade level).
If you look closer, you might notice the silvery scar that snakes down the back of her neck or the way her right leg turns in just a little when she walks.
And if you ask her where she spent last Valentine’s Day, you will find out what makes this little girl a warrior.
Maddie spent... Read More