The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Pictured above, a note from ALSF founder, Alex Scott, to her mother. “You never know when a simple gesture will become a treasure to those you leave behind," said her mom Liz Scott

Liz Scott, mom to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) founder Alex Scott, has a little love note that she cherishes. It simply says, “I love you, Mom,” in that sweet irregular handwriting that is the trademark of young kids. Alex wrote it for Liz when she was around 6 years old. 

Throughout the years, ALSF supporters have shared love notes and also shared the love through their amazing support of children with cancer. In honor of this weekend that is all about sharing the love, here... Read More

Every year, more than 300,000 new cases of cancer affect children under the age of 20 worldwide. This number is most likely underreported due to many cases that go undiagnosed and a lack of comprehensive childhood cancer registries. Making a difference for these kids requires collaboration across the spectrum of stakeholders. From supporters and research advocates to the scientists and physicians working in labs and clinics, finding cures and safer treatment for children takes all of us. 

In the words of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Founder, Alex Scott, “I think if we... Read More

Today is my daughter’s 25th birthday. She isn’t here to celebrate with us — her last birthday with us was when Alex was just 8 years old.

The conflicting emotions that I feel today are inseparable from each other. Alex’s birthday is a reminder of the gift of her life and the ache of her absence. I feel gratitude and joy alongside grief and sadness. I carry the complexity of these feelings with me every day as I try to live my best life possible, just as she did. 

Alex is not physically here, but her heart, her beliefs and her legacy are everywhere I look. 

Alex had... Read More
