The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog
Alex Scott was just 4 years old and battling neuroblastoma when an experimental treatment, called MIBG, made her feel better. Alex emerged from the hospital certain of two things: the treatment worked and she wanted to host a lemonade stand.
Alex’s MRI results proved she was right: she was cancer-free for the first time in three years, except for one spot on her spine. Alex was also determined. She recognized that new treatments could help other kids, too, and wanted to host a lemonade stand and donate her stand’s profits... Read More
Today marks 17 years since I shared my last moments with my daughter Alex. It was a lifetime ago. Since then, our lives have marched on. So many small and large moments have come and gone and milestones have been reached. I have tried to live a good life that honors her through our work with the Foundation, of course, but also a life that honors something greater – the gift of having dreams and life goals and getting to reach them. I guess you would say living a full and purposeful life is itself a tribute to Alex, as it was something she fought for and worked for her entire life.
... Read More
Today is my daughter’s 25th birthday. She isn’t here to celebrate with us — her last birthday with us was when Alex was just 8 years old.
The conflicting emotions that I feel today are inseparable from each other. Alex’s birthday is a reminder of the gift of her life and the ache of her absence. I feel gratitude and joy alongside grief and sadness. I carry the complexity of these feelings with me every day as I try to live my best life possible, just as she did.
Alex is not physically here, but her heart, her beliefs and her legacy are everywhere I look.
Alex had... Read More