The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

  • Left, Cameron with his two sons. Right, Cameron as a boy with his dad Stewart.
  • "Becoming a father is momentous for any man. For me, it’s made me understand more of what my own father went through when I was sick," said Cameron.
  • " I cherish and adore every moment I get to spend with my boys and my wife," said Cameron.

When I was 13 months old, I was diagnosed with a “one in a million” liver cancer called hepatoblastoma. By the time I was 2 years old I had endured 15 rounds of chemotherapy and three surgeries, including an 80% liver resection. 

Throughout my childhood, the side effects of cancer and its treatment put up roadblocks for me. I still continue to follow up every year with heart studies and bloodwork. I had to wear hearing aids because of chemotherapy treatment. I was limited to non-contact sports but always dreamed of playing football. My doctor always said no, but finally cleared me... Read More

  • sylvia
    Sylvia was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, when she was 6 years old.
  • frankie
    Frankie recently received his orange belt. He continues in treatment for pilomyxoid astrocytoma.
  • ryan
    Ryan, diagnosed at 22 months with ependymoma, is now 11 years old.
  • austin's family
    Austin was 15 years old when he lost his life to DIPG.

Frankie was just 6 years old when his parents rushed him to the emergency room. Within hours, Frankie was diagnosed with a brain tumor called pilomyxoid astrocytoma.  

Pediatric brain tumors account for about a quarter of all childhood cancer diagnoses. Each brain tumor diagnosis is different — there are hundreds of types and subtypes, each requiring a different treatment and with a different prognosis. For kids like Frankie, the day of diagnosis changes everything. Regular days at school turn into days at the clinic. Family vacations are postponed because of hospital stays and... Read More

  • Lakelynn is 6 years old and battling a rare sarcoma.
  • Lakelynn is home and isolated from friends and classmates. “The risk for her, with her little body fighting hard, was too great,” said Leslie.
  • Before the pandemic, Lakelynn hosted lemonade stands to benefit ALSF.

Before COVID-19, coronavirus and pandemic were commonplace words, we shared with you the story of Lakelynn. Lakelynn is 6 years old, a kindergartener in North Carolina and lives everyday with an inoperable sarcoma wrapped around the nerves that control her right arm. 

When Lakelynn was first diagnosed at 3 years old, doctors offered her family very little hope. The tumor was inoperable and radiation was too dangerous because of the tumor location. While doctors worked to reduce Lakelynn’s intense pain, her family began searching... Read More
