The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

May is Brain Tumor Awareness. Brain tumors are the deadliest form of childhood cancer.

Maddie spent Valentine’s Day 2017 in surgery to remove a tumor from her spine, marking her third tumor resection in as many years.

by Trish Adkins, ALSF

When you meet 8-year-old Maddie Davis, you might notice the pink highlights in her hair, her adorable dimpled smile and her advanced vocabulary (she reads at the 9th-grade level).

If you look closer, you might notice the silvery scar that snakes down the back of her neck or the way her right leg turns in just a little when she walks.

And if you ask her where she spent last Valentine’s Day, you will find out what makes this little girl a warrior.

Maddie spent... Read More

Mother Ruth Ciamarra knew her daughter had something wrong. Her intuition led to a high risk t-cell ALL diagnosis for her 8 year old daughter Anna.

Ruth Ciamarra and her daughter, Anna. 

by Trish Adkins, ALSF staff

Moments before Ruth Ciamarra found herself lying on a gurney next to her 5-year-old daughter Anna, doctors announced that Anna had leukemia and needed treatment immediately.

“My hearing went out; I was pretending to listen and nodding along with everything the doctor said. Then I interrupted the doctor and said ‘I’m about to pass out,’ as I tilted backward,” said Ruth. 

Earlier in the day, Ruth took Anna to her pediatrician to rule out a strep throat infection. Her symptoms did not seem... Read More

Celebrate Hero Moms all May-long! Thank you to the amazing hero moms who fight childhood cancer alongside their children, tirelessly raise awareness of the need for more research and never stop believing that there is hope for cures. Share May's social media post with your network as a tribute to these amazing women making a difference everyday for all children. 

About Monthly Shareables:

You can help Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation raise awareness of the need for childhood cancer research and cures for all... Read More
