The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog
Happy Valentine's Day! All year long, we receive some of the best love letters from our amazing supporters. Letters, photos and artwork arrive from near and far--sharing with us the amazing grassroots fundraising and lemon stand hosting efforts of children, families, schools, companies and individuals. It is wonderful to see how Alex's legacy is growing and how people everywhere are making a difference... Read More
Happy February! You can help Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation raise awareness of the need for childhood cancer research and cures for all children! Each month we will share a new "shareable," an image for you to share with your social media network. Every time we start a conversation about childhood cancer, we bring ourselves closer to cures.
Sharing is easy! Links to the shareable on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram posts are below. Simply click share, like, retweet, favorite or pin to help spread the word and raise awareness! We will find cures, one share at a time!... Read More
Alex's Mom, Liz Scott, read this heartfelt letter to her daughter Alex at the 2016 Lemon Ball.
Dear Alex,
It is hard to believe it has been more than 11 years since we were last together. In just 2 days you would be turning 20 but yet in my heart you remain forever 8. A lot has happened over the past decade… your brothers have grown into great young men. Patrick graduates college this year, Eddie graduates from high school, and your “baby” Joey is in 7th grade. They are kind, caring people, and bring me joy every day, I am such a lucky mom. Dad is his same old self,... Read More