The Childhood Cancer Blog

"A" is for Awareness

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September is typically known as “Back to School” month, but it’s also National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. There are a variety of dedicated awareness months, weeks and days for a number of very important causes, but what constitutes making someone aware of something and having it actually mean something? For us here at Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation – one of our primary goals this month is to simply spread the word about the impact of this devastating disease. By doing this, our hope is that others will become inspired to get involved and support the fight to find a cure for all children affected by childhood cancer.  

We’re here to help you participate in our awareness crusade! Throughout the month of September, we’re going to be sending blogs more often than usual featuring childhood cancer hero stories, research news, inspirational videos, childhood cancer facts and other tidbits of information that embody what this month is all about – simply educating others about the impact of the disease and why it’s important to be aware of our cause. 

Given how easy it is to share information these days – we ask that you simply do that – forward an email, repost a hero’s story on a social media site, recount the story of Alex while getting coffee at work or simply wear yellow and tell someone why you’re outfitted in our signature color. If you haven’t already, connect with us on social media as we’ve launched a “30 Ways in 30 Days” campaign providing supporters with daily tips on simple ways to join the fight. 

Take advantage of this dedicated month to spread the word about the devastating disease that remains the leading cause of death by disease in kids under the age of 15 in the United States, although research funding dedicated to childhood cancer continues to be severely underfunded.

Need a little inspiration? Watch the story of Alex below and get a jump start on the rest of the month by forwarding it to just one person and asking them to do the same. As Alex said herself, everyone can make a difference.

PS – Join our sea of yellow on Thursday, September 13 – National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day! Ask your colleagues, family, friends, school and neighbors to join you by wearing something yellow on this day in an effort to support our quest to find a cure.