The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog
Can a fish really serve as a sufficient model for studying sarcomas?
It may sound like an unusual proposition, but Dr. Genevieve Kendall finds research using zebrafish to be a promising area of investigation that could yield a significant breakthrough for these under-researched forms of cancer.
There are microanatomical and genetic similarities between the type of tumors developed in zebrafish and humans. This means they can serve as an accurate model for treatment testing or improving the overall... Read More

Natalie’s Tips to Stand Hosts: “Keep calm! Even when you have a lot of customers, just breathe and smile. It’s so worth it!”

Terry’s Tips to Stand Hosts: “Try to secure donations early through social media posts and personal contact with family and friends.”

Alexandra and Avery Tips to Stand Hosts: “Keep it simple.”

The Walter Family’s Tips to Stand Hosts: “Use all methods of communication to get the word out. Social media is powerful. Share your story. People want to help, but most don’t know how to start or what to do. Make it easy for them by always including the link to your donation page.”

The Gregory family’s Tips to Stand Hosts: “Word of mouth is our best advertising, but we also post on Facebook, put flyers up, and contact anyone that may have contacts with news or any other media. Our friends and volunteers help us spread the word, as well.”
Lemonade Days, held this year from August 1-9, is an amazing week of lemonade stands held coast-to-coast. It is a week when we continue Alex’s legacy, remember how each of us can make a difference and work together so every donation counts towards the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) mission of finding cures and safer treatments for children with cancer.
Meet five lemonade stand hosts making a difference with their lemonade stands:
1. A Lemonade Stand Legacy
When Natalie was about 6 years old, she helped her father with a lemonade stand at a local Starbucks.... Read More

The Queen of Fundraising: Mrs. New Jersey

School spirit that knows no bounds: Southwest Elementary School

Celebrating Independence and Hope for Cures: The Adler Family
When I open the mail (whether traditional or electronic) from one of our supporters, it is always a feel-good moment. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I've been sharing all the amazing mail we receive each week with the staff. It has been an uplifting and fun way to stay connected to each other and to motivate us to continue with our work helping dedicated supporters make a difference! I thought we would now start sharing with you, too.
Here are some stories from our creative supporters:
1. Meet the Queen of Fundraising
Miriam Silva, current reigning Mrs. New... Read More