The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Lessons in gratitude from a childhood cancer mom

by Megan Roberts, Hero Mom

For some of us, gratitude is as true and as easy as the color of our eyes; for others, like me, gratitude takes work. Daily, sometimes hourly, often moment-to-moment work. And it starts by being present.

My oldest son Declan was diagnosed with cancer when he was just 3 years and 7 months old. I was also mother to Brendan, a toddler, and I was seven months pregnant with my third son, Tommy. A childhood cancer diagnosis could not have been a bigger surprise--or shock. I was prepared for... Read More

wo weeks before her birthday, an MRI showed that Lauren had a tumor on her optic nerve, a low-grade glioma. Low-grade gliomas are a type of central nervous tumor that arise from the connective tissue of the brain. When this type of tumor is on the optic nerve, it can cause visual disturbances and blindness.

Just before turning 8-years-old, Lauren failed a vision test. 

Her parents assumed a trip to the optometrist and a pair of glasses would correct the issue. But, it did not. 

Two weeks before her birthday, an MRI showed that Lauren had a tumor on her optic nerve, a low-grade glioma. Low-grade gliomas are a type of central nervous tumor that arise from the connective tissue of the brain. When this type of tumor grows on the optic nerve, it can cause visual disturbances and blindness. 

... Read More
Open to all institutions in the U.S. and Canada,  Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Travel for Care program offers assistance to families who face the need to travel for potentially lifesaving childhood cancer treatment. Assistance for transportation and lodging may be available to families who meet program guidelines and apply through a member of their medical team.

After three years of treatment for neuroblastoma, Elijah Talley had exhausted options at his hometown hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. Diagnosed when he was just 4 years old, Elijah went through the endless cycle of treatment and relapse, again and again. Conventional treatments, which included high dose chemotherapy, radiation and a stem cell transplant, failed.

Neuroblastoma, the most common type of extra-cranial solid tumor in children, can range from benign to... Read More
