The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog

ALSF Innovation grantee Darrell Yamashiro works in the lab at Columbia University Medical Center. Dr. Yamashiro works with Dr. Julia Bender-Glade (mentioned below) developing therapies for relapsed childhood cancer.
by Trish Adkins
Gone are the days of just chemotherapy and radiation. Today’s researchers and oncologists are combining the traditional tools with cutting-edge biological medicine, genetic analysis and novel therapeutics in the labs and clinics.
Childhood cancer researchers are working hard towards better treatments and more cures every single day. Here are five trends in research today:
1. Treating the patient, not just the cancer
For over 40 years, scientists have known about oncogenes, the abnormal genes that can drive the growth of abnormal cells that... Read More
Instead of hibernating on these cold winter days, warm yourself up and help Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) fight childhood cancer. From swapping lemonade for hot chocolate to using your winter sport to fundraise, there are so many great ways you can fund childhood cancer research!
1. Swap Lemonade for Hot Chocolate
ALSF supporter and childhood cancer hero Matthew hosted... Read More
The process of bringing an idea from the lab to clinical trial can take years. Researchers are not only required to prove the effectiveness of their science, they also need to get FDA approval to provide an experimental therapy to actual patients. On top of all this, researchers also must ensure that their home hospital has the correct infrastructure in place to administer a clinical trial.
Over 700 new children are affected by cancer every day. For these kids, years are too long to wait. To help researchers get to the clinical trial phase quicker, ALSF established the... Read More