It’s been a while, but we’re returning to our theme for 2011, the top 11 reasons…! This week we thought why not provide you with 11 ways to join the battle against childhood cancer with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. We all know about Alex’s original fundraising idea – hosting a lemonade stand (which of course sits atop the list), but did you know there are lots of other things you can do to join the lemonade crusade? If you’re wondering how, check out the top 11 list below.
1. Hold A Lemonade Stand – of course! It’s Alex’s original fundraising idea, it’s simple, fun and appropriate for people of all ages.
2. Join Team Lemon! If you’re an athlete, or you’re just looking to challenge yourself, become part of Team Lemon. The athletic arm of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, participants walk, run, swim, and participate in all sorts of sporting events, all while raising funds for the battle against childhood cancer.
3. Send a Text – these days everyone has a cell phone, and if you’re looking for an easy way to donate to the cause, send the word “Lemonade” to 85944 to make a $10 donation. Too much? Send the word “Cancer” instead to make a $5 contribution.
4. Join or Start Your Own Chapter of The Lemon Society – are you a young professional, or do you still feel like a young professional? Join The Lemon Society of Philadelphia if you live in the area, or start your own chapter where you live. This is a great way to engage young professionals to come together to support a common cause.
5. Share the story with your friends – raising funds is important, but of equal importance is raising awareness of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and its mission to find better treatments and cures for all kids with cancer. If you’re on facebook, twitter or any other social media outlets, share Alex’s story on your page and encourage your friends to share it too! Make sure to tell your friends why you decided to join Team Alex!
6. Engage your coworkers – many offices get behind charitable causes when there is an easy way to do so. Suggest that your employees participate in a dress down day to raise funds, and why not host a lemonade stand too?
7. Collect Change – do you ever wonder what you are going to do with all the change you find in your car, couch cushions, in the bottom of your purse, or even laying around the house? Why not start collecting it and donate it to ALSF? We recently took a quick collection in the office and raised almost $20 – all in coins!
8. Read Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand – visit your local library and offer to read the story to kids during story time, or simply purchase the book to read to your own family. Not to worry, though this is Alex’s story, it does not involve the word cancer or Alex’s passing, instead it is an example of her efforts to help others!
9. Volunteer – if you live in the Philadelphia area, you can volunteer your time in our offices, we are also always looking for volunteers to fill in to host stands around the country. Alternatively, if you have a skill that transcends location (are you a great graphic designer? Do you a have knack for writing?), get in touch with us to see if there are ways you can help out!
10. Set up a fundraising page – are you really busy and you don’t have time to host a lemonade stand? Do you still want to raise funds for ALSF? Why not set up a fundraising page on our website and send it out to your friends, family, coworkers, community members and more to enlist their support. It’s easy!
11. Wear ALSF Gear – wearing ALSF merchandise might be the easiest way to show your support for the cause. Whether it’s our signature yellow tee, our fleece jacket, or even a small lemon pin, you are sure to be asked more about the foundation. What a great way to advertise the cause!
August 4, 2011