The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

six lessons in fatherhood from a journey with childhood cancer.

by Larry Vincent

When I was a very young man, I made up my mind never to have children. I didn’t think I would be a very good father and my own father was absent for most of my life, so the notion of being a dad was informed by angst and ignorance.

Cut to me at age 27, gleefully welcoming my first child Lucas into the world. Two years later, my daughter Jordan joined us. Today, I am grateful for the blessing of my children. They are both young adults now, and I couldn’t be more proud of them, especially given my daughter’s long journey with... Read More

Every donation to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for childhood cancer helps researchers get closer to a cure for cancer.


by Trish Adkins, ALSF

Every time you make a donation for a cup of Alex’s Lemonade, you are moving researchers closer to breakthroughs. Since our beginnings, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation has been dedicated to funding innovative, cutting-edge childhood cancer research. With your support, we’ve funded over 690 research grants since 2005!

Here are five researchers that you are helping to make breakthroughs, one cup... Read More

It's not too late--you can put together a lemonade stand quickly with these great Pop Up Lemonade Stand Tips!

by Elisa Heisman, ALSF Communications Manager

The end of the school year is so busy and brings our household a lot of happy chaos. It’s hard to keep everything straight. Luckily, I have a great to-do list. 

  •     Sign son’s permission slip for his 7th-grade field trip (Done!)
  •     Attend daughter’s dance recital (Check!)
  •     Write check for final summer camp payment (Paid!)
  •     Set up a lemonade stand for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation 

OMG! That’s NOW... Read More
