The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

childhood cancer hero chloe

In August, Chloe began her six-month break from cancer treatment. Right now, she is back home enjoying time with her family through the holidays like most kids her age. But in February 2024, her break will be over, and Chloe, who is a 6th grader, will be back to beating neuroblastoma into remission for the second time in her life. 

Chloe was 4 years old when she began experiencing inexplicable pain that jumped from legs to each arm and eventually, her whole back. Baffled and concerned, her parents took Chloe on trip after trip to Urgent Care, the emergency room and primary care... Read More

childhood cancer hero atlas

As the year comes to a close, now is a perfect time to help kids with cancer. 

This year is almost a wrap!  As the holiday season begins, it's a great time to channel that giving spirit and holiday cheer to help kids with cancer.    ALSF has several giving opportunities to help you maximize your impact, while also funding more research, safer treatments, family support services and cures. New this year: the ALSF Gift Catalog which allows purchasers to gift life changing support to... Read More

young investigator summit

ALSF awards grant funding for childhood cancer to 18 scientists 

Dr. Jesse Berry spends a lot of time in surgery and thinking about surgery. She works with children who have retinoblastoma, a cancer of the eye. You cannot biopsy the eye, and without the valuable information a biopsy provides, ocular oncologists are operating in the dark. 

“As a surgeon, it is frustrating that I cannot know which eye will do well and which will not, “ said Berry.  

But, Dr. Berry is aiming to channel that frustration into a solution. With her Reach Grant... Read More
