The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Exosomes could hold the key to improving outcomes in patients with Ewing’s sarcoma.

Dr. Glenson Samuel with Malina Cole, one of his patients. Malina volunteered to be part of a study looking for biomarkers for Ewing sarcoma.

Exosomes could hold the key to improving outcomes in patients with Ewing sarcoma. 

by Trish Adkins, ALSF 

Thirty years ago, scientists discovered small particles floating outside of cells called exosomes. These particles were thought to be cellular garbage cans that served to clean up any waste produced by cells. But now, researchers, like ALSF Young Investigator Grantee Glenson Samuel, MD of Children’s Mercy Kansas City, are working to understand how exosomes could hold the key to improving outcomes in... Read More


by Trish Adkins, ALSF

Dr. Jean Mulcahy-Levy, of the University of Colorado Denver got her start in research studying the behavior of fruit bats at the zoo.  

Now, she’s using Nobel Prize-winning science to find cures for brain tumors. 

Dr. Mulcahy-Levy’s research focuses on how blocking a cellular... Read More

Dr. Catherine Flores, with childhood cancer hero Sawyer. 

by Trish Adkins, ALSF

Ever since she was a child, Dr. Catherine Flores, of the University of Florida, loved the challenge of experimenting and investigating the origins of things. Now, as a pediatric cancer researcher, Dr. Flores is applying those interests to curing childhood brain cancer. 

ALSF awarded Dr. Flores a Young Investigator grant in 2015, which she used to study the preclinical development of adoptive cell therapy to fight... Read More
