The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Tomorrow, February 17, is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Although we really shouldn’t need a day to remember to be kind to others, it is a good day to make sure you stop and do something kind for someone else – you never know when you will be the spark to inspire someone else to do the same!

by Liz Scott, Alex’s Mom

In 2000, the day after her fourth birthday, Alex received a stem cell transplant. Alex told me, “When I get out of the hospital, I want to have a lemonade stand.” It was winter, so I agreed that when it was warmer she could have one. I forgot about her request. The weather got warmer and Alex began asking to hold her lemonade stand again. 

I wondered what Alex could possibly want to buy with her lemonade money. I asked her: “Alex, what is it that you want?”

Alex did not want... Read More

Happy Valentine's Day! Squeeze your loved ones extra tight today!

Happy Valentine's Day! We love all the amazing support and inspiration you share with us at Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. Thank you for sharing the love and helping us find a cure, one squeeze at a time! 

About Shareables:

You can help Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation raise awareness of the need for childhood cancer research and cures for all children! Each month, we will share a new "shareable," an image for you to share with your social media network. Every time we start a conversation about childhood cancer, we bring ourselves closer to cures.

How To Share:... Read More

Neuroblastoma, the type of cancer our founder Alex Scott battled, is the most-common extra-cranial solid tumor in childhood.  Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) has helped power research that is getting us closer to cures every day.

Neuroblastoma, the type of cancer our founder Alex Scott battled, is the most-common extra-cranial solid tumor in childhood. Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) has helped power research that is getting us closer to cures every day. Researchers like Dr. John Maris from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and Dr. Katherine Matthay from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, who sit on the ALSF Scientific Advisory Board, are working to study what makes neuroblastoma tick — to... Read More
