The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

As you probably know by now, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is dedicated to finding better treatments and ultimately cures for all childhood cancers. To reach that goal, we know that we not only need to raise lots of money but we also need to increase understanding of what childhood cancer is, what it means for families fighting the disease, and just how many children and families it affects.Although at times it is very difficult, Jay and I feel very lucky as parents to share our family’s story of childhood cancer with thousands of people around the country. Of course we have had some help... Read More
As we head into the final weeks of the year - a time when kids are home from school, and family comes to visit; when some of us will take vacations and all of us will welcome a New Year – we would like to pause for a moment to remember some of the children who have lost their lives to cancer in 2009.These children remind us of what is important in life, and their lives have forever changed us – they are why we are here, and they are the reason we continue to fight to find better treatments and ultimately cures for childhood cancer.Please take the time to read about these children, they are... Read More
As the impending holiday approaches, we thought it would only be fitting to dedicate this blog to what we at Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer are thankful for. We are most thankful for our amazing volunteers and supporters - without you, we wouldn’t be making a difference in the world of childhood cancer – so this Thanksgiving – we are thankful for you! We are also thankful for Alex and all of the heroes who continue to inspire us every day – we are here for them. Words cannot express our gratitude to everyone who continues to be involved in the battle against childhood... Read More
