The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) has always believed investing in futures – whether that means helping kids get the treatment they need or funding researchers to keep expanding the field of pediatric cancer research. The Pediatric Oncology Student Training (POST) Program was designed for undergraduate, graduate, and medical students to experience the field firsthand under the guidance of an experienced research mentor.
POST grantees from across the country conduct original research alongside their mentors at several accredited institutions. In 2024, 47 students were awarded... Read More

Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation founder, Alex Scott.

Alex at her first lemonade stand, which kicked off her incredible legacy. In 2024, our Foundation celebrated 20 years of Lemonade Days with volunteers hosting stands in all 50 states

Alex with her dad, Jay.

Alex with her brother, Joey.

Alex with her brother, Eddie.

Alex with her brother, Patrick.

Alex with her mom, Liz.
Today we remember our founder Alex Scott. She lives on 20 years later, in the hope she left for other children with cancer and in the mission of the Foundation she started. Our Foundation isn’t just a tribute to Alex; it is a continuation of everything she fought and worked for her entire life.
We are so very grateful that Alex didn’t give up on her dreams because she created a movement that allows us to all work together to cure kids with cancer, a movement that has helped other kids have the chance to live out their dreams.
Thank you for being part of her legacy. ... Read More