The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

  • ALSF funded-researcher Dr. Yael Mossé (pictured above) is the lead author on a new paper published in Nature Medicine. The paper shares the results of Dr. Mossé’s clinical trial for lorlatinib, a targeted therapy that showed success treating children with neuroblastoma tumors harboring the ALK mutation. 
  • Philip, who diagnosed at 3 years old with neuroblastoma, looks on as his mom Wendy meets Alex Scott's mom, Liz, for the first time. Both mothers shared the bond of having children who faced ALK-driven neuroblastoma. 

Philip was 3 years old when doctors told his parents that his neuroblastoma was incurable. 

His parents, Wendy and Jeff, were devastated. But even in devastation, they did not give up hope — hope for more time and a miracle. That hope led them to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and to Dr. Yael Mossé, an oncology clinician as well as a Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF)-funded researcher. 

Dr. Mossé has dedicated her career to researching and treating neuroblastoma. Through ALSF, she has... Read More

the talley family

Out of options at his local children’s hospital, Eli’s family (pictured above) learned of a promising treatment plan at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia – 1,200 miles from their home in Little Rock, Arkansas.

A childhood cancer diagnosis is often sudden and overwhelming. It is a difficult time for families to navigate that brings stress about treatment, new expenses and changes to day-to-day life. To help families feel less alone in their fight, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) established family service programs as part of our mission to support childhood cancer families wherever possible. 

These programs get families to clinical trials far from home, encourage, empower, and comfort siblings of kids with cancer, and provide the tools they need to navigate their child’s cancer... Read More

In addition to his recurring workplace donation, Doug (above in white) volunteers at at the lemonade stand his wife Jennifer organizes each year. 

Doug Cote has been a loyal supporter of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) since the beginning. He met ALSF founder Alex Scott when she was in a baby carriage. For over a decade, his wife, Jennifer has planned annual lemonade stands with Doug’s support. Doug also takes his support to an additional level—doubling his impact through workplace giving. 

Doug contributes to the cause via his employer, Voya’s, matching gifts program. Doug supports Alex’s with every paycheck via payroll... Read More
