Though the cold temperatures make us all want to hibernate, childhood cancer doesn’t sleep through the winter months. There are many ways to keep fighting the battle against childhood cancer during the winter months of the year. Here are some wintry fun ideas:
The Childhood Cancer Blog
Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Happy New Year!
It has been over 10 years since Alex first held her lemonade stand and began a movement that would change the world. This past year has proved to be both inspiring and productive as we fight to find a cure for childhood cancer.
In 2015, more reports of scientific breakthroughs began flowing in at a rapid pace, as the grants funded by ALSF resulted in amazing, innovative discoveries. Zach, a boy who battled lymphoma, found his cure because of research... Read More
The Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation Hero Families are inspirational families who have a child who has fought or is fighting cancer. These families not only drive ALSF in its fight for childhood cancer cures; these families are also some of our most dedicated supporters.
Heather Banaszek works for ALSF as the Community Outreach Specialist in Northern California. Heather is also the mom to her daughter Gabrielle and to her son C.J. C.J. battled... Read More