The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

research update

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) has always believed investing in futures – whether that means helping kids get the treatment they need or funding researchers to keep expanding the field of pediatric cancer research. The Pediatric Oncology Student Training (POST) Program was designed for undergraduate, graduate, and medical students to experience the field firsthand under the guidance of an experienced research mentor.

POST grantees from across the country conduct original research alongside their mentors at several accredited institutions. In 2024, 47 students were awarded... Read More

Above, Crazy 8 Grant teams gathered in Philadelphia in April to share progress on their projects, collaborate, and make valuable connections. Teams traveled from all over the world. 

Above, Crazy 8 Grant teams gathered in Philadelphia in April to share progress on their projects, collaborate, and make valuable connections. Teams traveled from all over the world. 

In 2020, ALSF launched its largest, most ambitious grant category ever — the Crazy 8 Initiative. More than just a funding source, the Crazy 8 brings together multi-disciplinary teams from all around the world to study, collaborate, and ultimately make breakthroughs in the search to cure the deadliest childhood cancers. They meet monthly virtually, travel to one another’s labs, and gather in Philadelphia to problem-solve and share progress and technology. 

Together, these scientists are making a difference, one incredible discovery at a time. 

Several years into their work,... Read More

Jessica Tsai, above, lounges in her lab before its March opening at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

One of Jessica Tsai’s research projects produced hundreds (and hundreds) of gigabytes of data. If you printed this information out, you would need at least 10,000 cases of printer paper, which is pretty unimaginable, so Tsai likes to use the very technical measurement of “a lot.”

But don’t let her casual measurement methodology fool you. Tsai, a pediatric neuro-oncologist and Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation-funded researcher, is serious about data. She lists data... Read More
