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2010 ALSF T-Shirt Contest

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There are so many exciting things happening at Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation as part of our 10th Anniversary Year – and we want to involve all of you as much as possible. As we went through our initial planning stages for the year ahead, we thought why not give our supporters the opportunity to design our 2010 commemorative t-shirt?!

So, that’s exactly what we did! Starting on Wednesday, February 3, we issued a challenge to all of our supporters - design our 2010 t-shirt. The only requirement– submit a unique design that would help us commemorate our milestone year. Initially, the contest was slated to run for only 10 days, but when a nor’easter blew through much of the country, we extended through Sunday, February 9.

From there, the ALSF staff worked fervently to narrow down the submission to the top 3. It wasn’t long before the submissions, created both by hand and electronically, took over our conference room as the staff gathered to vote. Collectively we were able to identify our top three and we sent the final vote back to our supporters. With over 2,000 votes, the winning design was crowned:


We would like to thank all those who participated and congratulate the winning designer, Brad Hosbach. Hosbach is a middle school art teacher who paints and designs t-shirts in his free time. Not only will Brad have his design featured on our 2010 t-shirt, but he will also receive an ALSF prize pack along with the other two finalists.

Here are the other top designs:

Follow us on twitter and facebook for more opportunities to contribute to our 2010 celebratory year!

- Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation