The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Alex learning to walk

Today marks 17 years since I shared my last moments with my daughter Alex. It was a lifetime ago. Since then, our lives have marched on. So many small and large moments have come and gone and milestones have been reached. I have tried to live a good life that honors her through our work with the Foundation, of course, but also a life that honors something greater – the gift of having dreams and life goals and getting to reach them. I guess you would say living a full and purposeful life is itself a tribute to Alex, as it was something she fought for and worked for her entire life. 

... Read More

Dr. Heinrich Kovar was a young student studying a rare cancer when the unthinkable happened. His brother was diagnosed with that same rare cancer: 

Ewing sarcoma.

As Dr. Kovar’s brother was treated, doctors tried to give his brother hope by telling him that researchers were working to find cures for his cancer.

But for his brother, that work would not be fast enough. When he passed away, Dr. Kovar was left with a mission: find cures for pediatric sarcomas.

“If I would have a... Read More

  • Lakelynn was 3 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare, inoperable tumor in her arm.
    Lakelynn was 3 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare, inoperable tumor in her arm.
  • A month after his first birthday, Francisco was diagnosed with stage II embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
    A month after his first birthday, Francisco was diagnosed with stage II embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
  • Raymeer battled synovial sarcoma. Last year, he graduated kindergarten.
    Raymeer battled synovial sarcoma. Now, he is a rising second grader.
  • Just before her fourth birthday, Kaela was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and began treatment in 2007.
    Just before her fourth birthday, Kaela was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and began treatment in 2007.
  • July is Sarcoma Awareness Month.
    July is Sarcoma Awareness Month.

July is more than sweltering summer days and backyard barbeques; to many, it’s a month that honors those battling sarcomas – a disease that represents 15% of childhood cancer diagnoses. While the five-year survival rate for all types of childhood cancer is 86%, the average for the three most common sarcomas ranges from 65-75%. These cure rates lag behind many other kinds of pediatric cancers.

This month, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF)... Read More
