The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Researchers with ALSF hero families at Huntsman Cancer InstituteOur daughter Alex wanted to help find a cure for all kids with cancer. After battling the disease for more than half her life, she decided to set up lemonade stands to help doctors on their way to doing just that. It is our honor to continue what she started through our medical grants program, and we are so pleased to have thousands of volunteers... Read More
Wow, September is almost over! What a great month it proved to be for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and the battle against childhood cancer. We were proud to continue to raise awareness and funds for the disease during the national awareness month, and hope that as the years pass that more people will become aware of the commemorative time. We were lucky enough to have a special campaign throughout September as many old and new supporters held Strawberry Shortcake lemonade stands.... Read More
The kids are back to school, the leaves are falling, and many of us are starting to feel nostalgic as the seasons change. I know every year around this time I think back to my own childhood, what it felt like going to school that first day or the excitement of meeting new friends. For some of us, our childhood memories include cartoon characters, and one of those has joined the battle against childhood cancer this year.... Read More
