The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Can you believe that it’s already April and the summer months will be here before we know it? As we head into the busiest time of the year, we wanted to share ways that everyone can get involved with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and the battle against childhood cancer. Whether you’re a foodie, an athlete, a kid at heart, a car enthusiast or a fun-loving group, there are ways for YOU to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer. For the kids, or the kids at heart- host a lemonade stand or join Lemonade Days... Read More
For anyone who has been a longtime supporter of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, you know that each and every year the foundation introduces a new commemorative t-shirt. Dating back to the United Stands of America t-shirt in 2005, the foundation has worked to create a fun and inspirational t-shirt that our supporters can don in support of the cause. This year is no different, and the 2011 t-shirt has been completely revamped!We... Read More
A few weeks ago, we shared information about 11 forms of childhood cancer. In our continuation of the “lists of 11 for 2011,” this week we bring you 11 long-term, life-altering side effects related to childhood cancer treatment. As we work to find cures for all children with cancer, we are equally dedicated to finding less harsh treatments. Many treatments that destroy cancer cells also destroy healthy cells in the process, which can cause long-term complications. Our ultimate goal is survival for all children affected by childhood cancer, and in the process we also want to help provide these... Read More
