The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Hosting a lemonade stand can be as easy as popping up a stand in your front yard or as extraordinary as creating a large community event!  This year, ALSF picked some “All-Star” Lemonade Days stand hosts that raised $2,000 last year —just like our founder Alex Scott did in 2000 at her first lemonade stand. Wondering how they did it? Keep reading!

Hosting a lemonade stand can be as easy as popping up a stand in your front yard or as extraordinary as creating a large community event!

This year, ALSF picked some “All-Star” Lemonade Days stand hosts that raised $2,000 last year—just like our founder Alex Scott did in 2000 at her first lemonade stand. Wondering how they did it? Keep reading!

1. Share the facts.

Stand host and hero mom, Tara Walters from... Read More

This Nurses Week Jay Scott, Alex's dad, honors the hospice nurse they needed.

Alex Scott, with her brother Joey. 

Nurses play a critical role in the life of a family affected by childhood cancer. They are medical caregivers—overseeing medication schedules, post-surgery care and coordinating therapy appointments. They help manage pain and treatment side effects. They also provide emotional support to families—supporting parents, affected children and siblings when life is at its most uncertain. 

Hospice and palliative care nurses specialize in end of life care; navigating parents through uncertain and emotional territory. These nurses are the nurses so many families need, but don’t want. ... Read More


Guest post by Chelsea Keeler, LSW, leukemia & lymphoma social worker, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Learning that someone in your community now has a child with cancer can leave you feeling helpless or uncertain. You want to help but don’t know how. 

You can support the family in a number of ways—providing concrete resources such as food, helping with sibling needs or household tasks, and providing critical emotional support... Read More
