The Childhood Cancer Blog

ALSF is thankful for...

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As the impending holiday approaches, we thought it would only be fitting to dedicate this blog to what we at Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer are thankful for. We are most thankful for our amazing volunteers and supporters - without you, we wouldn’t be making a difference in the world of childhood cancer – so this Thanksgiving – we are thankful for you! We are also thankful for Alex and all of the heroes who continue to inspire us every day – we are here for them. Words cannot express our gratitude to everyone who continues to be involved in the battle against childhood cancer, thank you for joining us on this journey toward a cure.

Here are what some of our hero families, grantees, and supporters have said they are thankful for this holiday season:

“We have so much to be thankful for this year, but mostly we are thankful for our son feeling well and being excited for the holidays. We are thankful for friends and family who have stood in prayer and strong support over the past four years and have helped us to be able to spend as much time together as a family as possible.”

“Thank you again for your generous support; it has been instrumental in our work to identify new pathways to target in childhood leukemia and brings us closer to curing all children with leukemia and other cancers. Preliminary results funded by Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation have also enabled us to obtain additional funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and other sources to carry on this important work to cure childhood cancer. Thank you again!”

“I live by the motto: "Never Drive Past a Lemonade Stand"...this gives that a whole new meaning. Thank you for inspiring greatness in the ordinary. You can truly change the world by being a positive influence on each individual you encounter.”

“We were so pleasantly surprised by a gift of gasoline cards upon enrolling in a clinical trial at Oregon. Our 12-year-old daughter has a very rare sarcoma and we will be driving down to Portland once a week for her to receive a promising investigational drug. Thank you so much for this gift - it was such an unexpected boost and we were also able to learn about the wonderful things that Alex inspired and that her foundation continues to do.”

“I would just like to thank you for featuring my son, Conlan, as a hero. We have just begun this journey so it is hard for us to be able to help out others, but I am definitely looking into hosting a lemonade stand.”

“I believe if we had more children like Alex this world would be a better place, so I thank all youth who participate in activities that make this world a better place.”

“What an inspiration Alex and all the heroes are. The stories are so moving that I cannot stop reading them. Thanks for all that you do.”

What our followers on Twitter are thankful for:

@faeriesrck – I’m thankful for a child showing us how simple it is to help raise money for a great cause by holding a lemonade stand!

@glitteratiglue - I'm thankful for my older brother surviving leukemia :)

@LalErin - St. Louis Children’s Hospital NICU staff and Dr's for saving my son’s life!!! Ah-mazing!

@groupiness - I'm so thankful for a job I love, a family who is happy & healthy, and the ability to give back to those in need!

For more of what our supporters are thankful for this year, view our Thanksgiving 2009 video, posted above.

Or – tell us what you’re thankful for on our Twitter page –

- Liz & Jay Scott, Alex's Parents