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Our Alex believed a lemonade stand could cure childhood cancer.

And we still believe, too. 

This year, we celebrate 20 years since Alex Scott, founder of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) hosted her first lemonade stand, kicking off a global movement to cure childhood cancer. 

20 Years Logo

ALSF image collage of supporters

ALSF image collage of supporters

Our Alex believed a lemonade stand could cure childhood cancer.

And we still believe, too. 

This year, we celebrate 20 years since Alex Scott, founder of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), hosted her first lemonade stand, kicking off a global movement to cure childhood cancer. 

20 Years Logo

Alex at Stand

Alex Scott was just 4 years old and battling neuroblastoma when an experimental treatment, called MIBG, made her feel better. Alex emerged from the hospital certain of two things: the treatment worked and that she wanted to host a lemonade stand. 

Alex’s MRI results proved she was right: she was cancer-free for the first time in three years, except for one spot on her spine. Alex was also determined. She recognized that new treatments could help other kids, too, and wanted to host a lemonade stand and donate her stand’s profits to doctors so they could “help other kids like they helped me.” 

Even at 4 years old, Alex’s belief in fighting childhood cancer couldn’t be contained. On July 1, 2000, Alex brought her sunny smile and lemonade stand to her family’s front yard and raised $2,000 dollars. The next year, she held another stand. The next year, another. Word started to spread. Supporters flooded her family’s yard. Donations from other stands across the country stuffed their mailbox.

New from Alex's Shop! Purchase the Alex's Original Lemonade Stand 20th Anniversary Ornament!

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Alex believed that together, we can cure childhood cancer; a belief that’s resulted not only in a Foundation bearing her name, but in breakthroughs and cures for children fighting cancer, just like her.

Since that first stand, ALSF has been able to:

  • Fund more than 1,000 research projects at nearly 150 institutions - developing safer, more effective treatment options for children fighting cancer
  • Assist thousands of children to travel for treatment - financial support for families from the Travel For Care program has helped children reach treatment options beyond their home hospital
  • Expand resources for families - from childhood cancer guides to empowering siblings of all ages, families have more resources than ever to navigate a diagnosis
Alex Karate

Our generous supporters have made these advancements possible. But there is more work to do if we want to achieve Alex’s mission of better treatments and cures for all kids. The need for research funding and supporting families has never been greater. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major setbacks in research projects across the country. Families are facing increased obstacles to reaching treatment while kids with cancer are at risk of severe illness if exposed to the virus. 

Even in the most trying times of her own life, Alex’s belief never wavered. She believed that all children deserved safer, more effective treatment options. She believed all kids should be able to access those treatments. She believed that every donation counts - from a handful of change to a $1M dollar check. She believed that everyone could help, from stand hosts to businesses to researchers to all manner of the incredible stories of support from the past 20 years.

Like Alex, we still believe a lemonade stand can cure childhood cancer. 

ALSF supporters have fueled every impact since Alex’s first stand. We need you now, more than ever, to make the next 20 years of breakthroughs possible. Pledging your gift will fund critical childhood cancer programs and create the brighter future for all kids with cancer that Alex envisioned.

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20 Years of Stories!

Taylor's Story

All Grown Up: Taylor Finds Her Cure

Following a relapse, Taylor's family was desperate for a cure. After enrolling in an ALSF-funded clinical trial, Taylor is living her life cancer-free.

Business hosting a virtual event for ALSF

A Celebratory Stand That Turned into So Much More

How Riley unexpectedly turned one stand honoring his best friend finishing cancer treatment into a yearly staple that continues fundraising to this day.

Potter Cup

Filling the Potter Cup with Lemonade

Two middle schools team up for an annual friendly competition that spans 15 years and exemplifies the idea of kids helping kids.

Jim Emanuel

A Thousand Miles of Paddling for Pediatric Cancer

Jim's odyssey started with a canoe in Montana and ended at the mouth of the Mississippi after spreading awareness for ALSF all along the way.

Kenny Herriot

A Coast-to-Coast Ride for Childhood Cancer

Kenny Herriott wouldn’t let anything (even an on-road collision) stop him from handbiking 3,625 miles across the country for ALSF.

Mozer Family

The Tale of Midwest Lemonade Days

A Missouri family was thrown a curveball that sparked the beginning of a regional lemonade stand tradition based out of their local grocery store.

Courtney Smith

Courtney Smith and the King of Prussia Lemonade Girls

Courtney and her friends would’ve been happy raising $100 at their first stand. Dozens of stands and thousands of dollars later, Courtney’s life was completely changed.

Big Lemonade

The Cup of Lemonade That Set a World Record

At 8 years old, brain tumor survivor Lily had a pretty big dream – one that was 10 feet tall and able to hold 1,750 gallons of lemonade to be exact.

Sydnie Bayles

Standing the Test of Time

A young girl with a big dream keeps moving forward to accomplish the same goal Alex Scott had – raise $1 million for kids with cancer.

Grandma Bee

Diving Head-First into Funding Cures

Skydiving was not something 70-year-old Rebecca Byrom had on her bucket list. In fact, her friends and family knew she was terrified of flying. But that’s exactly why she did it.

Mountain Climbers

Ending Childhood Cancer is an Uphill Climb

Years ago, before he was a financial advisor at Northwestern Mutual, Jeff Zorn loved playing brisk, competitive sports. When they became taxing on his body, he discovered his love of hiking, which quickly escalated into scaling taller peaks.

Tony Salerno

Three Times a Survivor: Tony Keeps Fighting

Tony is facing countless side effects from his three cancer diagnoses, but nothing will stop him from fighting for himself and other kids facing this disease.


Born a SuperSib

Samantha has stood by her brother Tony's side throughout his 14-year cancer fight, and her strength and positivity has helped keep the family close all this time.

Eli Talley

Eli Talley and the Beginning of the Travel For Care Program

What do you do when your local hospital doesn’t have the treatment you need? You do what Eli and his family did: you travel for care.


Changing the Status Quo for Kids with Cancer, One FDA Approval at a Time

Lakelynn was just 3 years old when she diagnosed with a rare sarcoma. An ALSF-funded clinical trial provided the treatment, and hope, her family needed.


Curing Pediatric Leukemia: Quincy’s Story

When Quincy's cancer worsened, support from ALSF helped ensure his doctors could run a genetic test that was critical to finding him the right treatment.

Afleet Alex

Afleet Alex

How one incredible horse's magical journey to a near Triple Crown helped share Alex Scott's story with the nation.